Somer Valley FM’s Annual Celebration for 2022 enjoys huge success

Written by on 17/11/2022

Somer Valley FM, the local radio station for North East Somerset, based in Midsomer Norton, held its Annual Celebration earlier this month at Bath College’s Somer Valley Campus.

‘We’ve had a great response to our event’ remarked Richard Burgess, Somer Valley FM Station Manager. ‘With over 60 people in attendance, it was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate a number of our remarkable volunteers, whilst promoting this year’s theme of collaboration with our sponsors, who are so supportive’.

During the evening speakers included sponsors Jayne Davis Principal and Chief Executive Bath College, Jack Bailey Head of Operations Curo Choice, and James Lowther Chief Executive Officer Truespeed.

Jayne reflected after the celebration: ‘It is really important for Bath College to host events like this Somer Valley FM awards evening. We have a great working relationship with them and share an ambition to increase connectivity between the individuals and businesses in an area we are proud of and passionate about’.

‘Attending Somer Valley FM’s Annual Event was a truly uplifting experience’ commented Marianne Rawlins, Communications and Media Manager from Curo. ‘Curo colleagues loved hearing speakers from different parts of our community share stories about the positive impact we have when we work in partnership’.

She added ‘It was fascinating to see the fantastic facilities of Bath College in person and to learn how they are providing the next generation with much-needed skills for construction and green jobs. We were also inspired by the passion of the amazing Somer Valley FM colleagues and volunteers. We were left with the impression that the station is an inclusive community hub, providing a crucial local service.’

Presentations were also made by Dine Romero Cabinet member for Children Young People Communities Bath & North East Somerset Council, and Dan Norris Metro Mayor West of England Combined Authority.

Dine also shared some thoughts about the event. ‘I was delighted to be asked to speak at Somer Valley FM’s annual celebration event about collaboration. It was interesting to hear the other speakers and what shone through all the contributions was the importance of working with communities. This reflects a key value for Somer Valley FM which is ‘its’s all about local’, and it really is.’

Bath College’s Chris George Assistant Principal Business and Technical Skills led a half-time tour of the Somer Valley campus.

And Dom Chambers Chief Executive Officer Sound Vision Director Somer Valley FM, hosted the radio station’s annual awards. Rob Bayly, Gemma Esclarin Gros and Jamie Skinner were all recognised for their outstanding contributions. Commenting Richard said ‘each year our award winners are so worthy. Rob and Jamie have both been making consistently great radio for us, for over 10 years now. Their unique styles make for great listening. Gemma, my partner, attends all events with me, indoors or out, rain or shine. She never complains (publicly at least) and is a great ambassador for us’.

‘As a community radio station, we must generate our own funds to run our radio station. Along with Sam Chivers Estate Agents and Thatcher + Hallam our sponsors are invaluable. That they gave up their time to attend and contribute to our modest get-together makes me very happy!’ Richard finished ‘And with our volunteers directing traffic, greeting our guests along with serving canapes, it’s another example of why our radio team is second to none’.

To contact your local radio station, call or WhatsApp 01761 411755, via social media, or email

Photos: Thanks to Richard Sykes and Gemma Esclarin Gros

1 The Somer Valley FM team

2 Annual celebration guests

3 l-r Jamie Skinner (presenter and award winner), Pete Helmore (Director), Gemma Esclarin Gros (award winner), Dom Chambers (Director), Jo Davis (presenter), Seb Bailey (presenter)

4 Rob Bayly (presenter and award winner), Dom Chambers (Director)


5 Speakers Dan Norris (Metro Mayor, WECA), Jayne Davis (Principal and Chief Executive, Bath College), Dine Romero (Cabinet member Children, Young People and Communities, B&NES Council), Richard Burgess (Station Manager, Somer Valley FM)



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